Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Tonight's homework:

- Read for 20 minutes (or more!)
- Reading log (due Friday)
- Math packet (due Friday)

We learned a new strategy for addition and subtraction today.  It's called "Break it apart!" (expanded form)

523 + 446 = ???

First step is to break the number into pieces based on the place value(s), just like the expanded form of the number.

500 + 20 + 3 + 400 + 40 + 6 = ???

The next step is to add the ones to the ones, tens to the tens and hundreds to the hundreds.  This forms easier addition problems that can be done quickly!

3 + 6 = 9
20 + 40 = 60
500 + 400 = 900

Finally, add up the remaining pieces (900 + 60 + 9) to get your answer (969)!

Tomorrow we will be presenting our science projects related to different terrestrial (land) environments that we have been studying.  Students have been working alone and in groups on projects that include:  comic strips, interview skits (plays) and display posters.  The environments we have been studying are:  the desert, rainforest, temperate forest and grassland/savanna.  Parents, ask your child all about it!

Have fun!

- Mr. B

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