Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Homework + VIP Day


Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes with a great book.
- Word Study:  Menu Item (9 word sort.  See list below)
     *because, were, saw, they, there (place), where, their (ownership), again, really

The forecast for tomorrow is for a few inches of snow.  Please be aware of the following message from the school administration:

"If we should have any type of late opening of school our Grandparent/VIP Day will be canceled."

The planned activity is to make 3-D snowflakes with our guests tomorrow.  Here is a tutorial in case you would like to try this activity at home (should VIP day be canceled).

Have fun!

- Mr. B

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes.
- Word Study:  Menu Item
     *New batch of words starting today.  We will be studying commonly misspelled sight words such as "their", "where", "because", etc.  No sorting involved.
- LA:  Comma worksheet (we did a similar page in class yesterday).

Have fun!

- Mr. B

P.S. - Word Study will be posted this afternoon.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Econ Study Materials

Here you go!


- Mr. B


Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- NO WORD STUDY (short sort to be passed out tomorrow)
- Study for the Economics Quiz/Test tomorrow!
     *Know and be familiar with the words on the page "Economics Terms To Know" (e.g., good, service, capital resource, human resource, interdependence, specialization)
     *Look over the pizza activity (homework from last week) to review the three types of resources and examples of each (natural, human, capital).

Parents, we've covered these terms in class and reviewed them quite a bit, however, sometimes the length of the words give 3rd graders trouble when they are presented with them - please help your child review these vocabulary words.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Below is a video we watched today during snack time.  It's a read aloud of Paul Fleischman's Weslandia.  We will be starting a project this week related to the creation of a similar "civilization".  Stay tuned...!

Stay warm!

- Mr. B

P.S.  I will post a copy of the study material(s) when I get home today - 5 p.m.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study:  PRACTICE QUIZ (please write this down in your journal)
- Social Studies:  Economics Test next Tuesday!  (12/14/10)

I've noticed that students who regularly do the practice quiz at home perform much better when it comes time for the quiz.  Please take the time to practice spelling these words at home prior to the quiz on Friday.

There is no math homework tonight.  We have been practicing making change with money.  Students have been working with menus and plastic dinosaurs to help them make change in the classroom.  Parents, feel free to challenge your 3rd graders by asking them to make change for a dollar or even more (we have gone up to $25.00 in class)!


Jimmy bought ice cream for $1.89.  He paid with a $5 bill.  How much change did Jimmy get back?

Franchesca bought gifts for her family.  She bought her mom a flower for $2.99, her dad a hat for $4.50 and her younger brother a toy car for $1.75.  She paid with a $10 bill.  How much was her total and how much change did she get back?

Best of luck!

- Mr. B

Wednesday, December 8, 2010



Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study:  Menu Item
- Economics:  Finish "Economics Pre-Test" Draw & Label (started in class)
- Math:  Finish Comparing Money worksheet (>, <, =)

Have fun!  Stay warm!

- Mr. B

Monday, December 6, 2010

Word Study Sorts

Sorry for the delay!

Here are the sorts for this week (Dec. 6 - Dec. 10):


- Mr. B



We celebrated the first snow of the year (seen this weekend) with a "snowball fight" greeting this morning.  Students wrote their name on a piece of loose-leaf paper and balled up the paper into a makeshift "snowball".  We then proceeded to throw the snowballs around the room (safely) for one full minute.  At the conclusion of the minute, students grabbed the nearest snowball (until all were found) and we greeted the name on the paper (switching snowballs if the name was the same).

Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes
- Complete pages 2-4 in the Economics Homework Packet
     *Human Resources
     *Capital Resources
     *Conservation of Resources
- Word Study:  Cut the words out, sort them at home & copy the sort into your journal.

WS Sorts to be posted by 6:00 p.m.

- Mr. B

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study:  Practice Quiz!  (Quiz tomorrow)
- Social Studies:  Finish Pizza Worksheet from class today
- Math:  "Math Test Practice"  (more addition/subtraction regrouping problems for students who need additional practice)

Stay warm!

- Mr. B

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Tonight's homework:

- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study:  Menu Item
- Social Studies:  Economics Packet (finish pages with *)

Page 1 = What is Economics?
Page 5 = Goods and Services
Page 6 = Producers and Consumers

(ignore page numbers at bottom...numbers above assume first page is page 1)

- Mr. B