Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a great book.
- Word Study: Menu Item (9 word sort. See list below)
*because, were, saw, they, there (place), where, their (ownership), again, really
The forecast for tomorrow is for a few inches of snow. Please be aware of the following message from the school administration:
"If we should have any type of late opening of school our Grandparent/VIP Day will be canceled."
The planned activity is to make 3-D snowflakes with our guests tomorrow. Here is a tutorial in case you would like to try this activity at home (should VIP day be canceled).
Have fun!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes.
- Word Study: Menu Item
*New batch of words starting today. We will be studying commonly misspelled sight words such as "their", "where", "because", etc. No sorting involved.
- LA: Comma worksheet (we did a similar page in class yesterday).
Have fun!
- Mr. B
P.S. - Word Study will be posted this afternoon.
- Read 20-30 minutes.
- Word Study: Menu Item
*New batch of words starting today. We will be studying commonly misspelled sight words such as "their", "where", "because", etc. No sorting involved.
- LA: Comma worksheet (we did a similar page in class yesterday).
Have fun!
- Mr. B
P.S. - Word Study will be posted this afternoon.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- NO WORD STUDY (short sort to be passed out tomorrow)
- Study for the Economics Quiz/Test tomorrow!
*Know and be familiar with the words on the page "Economics Terms To Know" (e.g., good, service, capital resource, human resource, interdependence, specialization)
*Look over the pizza activity (homework from last week) to review the three types of resources and examples of each (natural, human, capital).
Parents, we've covered these terms in class and reviewed them quite a bit, however, sometimes the length of the words give 3rd graders trouble when they are presented with them - please help your child review these vocabulary words. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Below is a video we watched today during snack time. It's a read aloud of Paul Fleischman's Weslandia. We will be starting a project this week related to the creation of a similar "civilization". Stay tuned...!
Stay warm!
- Mr. B
P.S. I will post a copy of the study material(s) when I get home today - 5 p.m.
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- NO WORD STUDY (short sort to be passed out tomorrow)
- Study for the Economics Quiz/Test tomorrow!
*Know and be familiar with the words on the page "Economics Terms To Know" (e.g., good, service, capital resource, human resource, interdependence, specialization)
*Look over the pizza activity (homework from last week) to review the three types of resources and examples of each (natural, human, capital).
Parents, we've covered these terms in class and reviewed them quite a bit, however, sometimes the length of the words give 3rd graders trouble when they are presented with them - please help your child review these vocabulary words. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Below is a video we watched today during snack time. It's a read aloud of Paul Fleischman's Weslandia. We will be starting a project this week related to the creation of a similar "civilization". Stay tuned...!
Stay warm!
- Mr. B
P.S. I will post a copy of the study material(s) when I get home today - 5 p.m.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: PRACTICE QUIZ (please write this down in your journal)
- Social Studies: Economics Test next Tuesday! (12/14/10)
I've noticed that students who regularly do the practice quiz at home perform much better when it comes time for the quiz. Please take the time to practice spelling these words at home prior to the quiz on Friday.
There is no math homework tonight. We have been practicing making change with money. Students have been working with menus and plastic dinosaurs to help them make change in the classroom. Parents, feel free to challenge your 3rd graders by asking them to make change for a dollar or even more (we have gone up to $25.00 in class)!
Jimmy bought ice cream for $1.89. He paid with a $5 bill. How much change did Jimmy get back?
Franchesca bought gifts for her family. She bought her mom a flower for $2.99, her dad a hat for $4.50 and her younger brother a toy car for $1.75. She paid with a $10 bill. How much was her total and how much change did she get back?
Best of luck!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: PRACTICE QUIZ (please write this down in your journal)
- Social Studies: Economics Test next Tuesday! (12/14/10)
I've noticed that students who regularly do the practice quiz at home perform much better when it comes time for the quiz. Please take the time to practice spelling these words at home prior to the quiz on Friday.
There is no math homework tonight. We have been practicing making change with money. Students have been working with menus and plastic dinosaurs to help them make change in the classroom. Parents, feel free to challenge your 3rd graders by asking them to make change for a dollar or even more (we have gone up to $25.00 in class)!
Jimmy bought ice cream for $1.89. He paid with a $5 bill. How much change did Jimmy get back?
Franchesca bought gifts for her family. She bought her mom a flower for $2.99, her dad a hat for $4.50 and her younger brother a toy car for $1.75. She paid with a $10 bill. How much was her total and how much change did she get back?
Best of luck!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Economics: Finish "Economics Pre-Test" Draw & Label (started in class)
- Math: Finish Comparing Money worksheet (>, <, =)
Have fun! Stay warm!
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Economics: Finish "Economics Pre-Test" Draw & Label (started in class)
- Math: Finish Comparing Money worksheet (>, <, =)
Have fun! Stay warm!
- Mr. B
Monday, December 6, 2010
We celebrated the first snow of the year (seen this weekend) with a "snowball fight" greeting this morning. Students wrote their name on a piece of loose-leaf paper and balled up the paper into a makeshift "snowball". We then proceeded to throw the snowballs around the room (safely) for one full minute. At the conclusion of the minute, students grabbed the nearest snowball (until all were found) and we greeted the name on the paper (switching snowballs if the name was the same).
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Complete pages 2-4 in the Economics Homework Packet
*Human Resources
*Capital Resources
*Conservation of Resources
- Word Study: Cut the words out, sort them at home & copy the sort into your journal.
WS Sorts to be posted by 6:00 p.m.
- Mr. B
We celebrated the first snow of the year (seen this weekend) with a "snowball fight" greeting this morning. Students wrote their name on a piece of loose-leaf paper and balled up the paper into a makeshift "snowball". We then proceeded to throw the snowballs around the room (safely) for one full minute. At the conclusion of the minute, students grabbed the nearest snowball (until all were found) and we greeted the name on the paper (switching snowballs if the name was the same).
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Complete pages 2-4 in the Economics Homework Packet
*Human Resources
*Capital Resources
*Conservation of Resources
- Word Study: Cut the words out, sort them at home & copy the sort into your journal.
WS Sorts to be posted by 6:00 p.m.
- Mr. B
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Practice Quiz! (Quiz tomorrow)
- Social Studies: Finish Pizza Worksheet from class today
- Math: "Math Test Practice" (more addition/subtraction regrouping problems for students who need additional practice)
Stay warm!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Practice Quiz! (Quiz tomorrow)
- Social Studies: Finish Pizza Worksheet from class today
- Math: "Math Test Practice" (more addition/subtraction regrouping problems for students who need additional practice)
Stay warm!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Social Studies: Economics Packet (finish pages with *)
Page 1 = What is Economics?
Page 5 = Goods and Services
Page 6 = Producers and Consumers
(ignore page numbers at bottom...numbers above assume first page is page 1)
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Social Studies: Economics Packet (finish pages with *)
Page 1 = What is Economics?
Page 5 = Goods and Services
Page 6 = Producers and Consumers
(ignore page numbers at bottom...numbers above assume first page is page 1)
- Mr. B
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Good afternoon!
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item (your choice)
- Math: Money Worksheet (front and back) "The Money Tree"
Have fun!
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item (your choice)
- Math: Money Worksheet (front and back) "The Money Tree"
Have fun!
- Mr. B
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a great book!
- Math: Exit Slip (1,500 or BUST)
Turkey Skits tomorrow!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes with a great book!
- Math: Exit Slip (1,500 or BUST)
Turkey Skits tomorrow!
- Mr. B
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Practice Quiz
- Math: Finish "All Together Now" Packet (Addition & Subtraction word problems)
Please note that there will be a test/quiz (quest?) on addition & subtraction problems tomorrow. I just want to see who "has it" and who still needs some more help. We still have time to work on strategies after Thanksgiving break, so please don't worry about "studying" for this.
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Practice Quiz
- Math: Finish "All Together Now" Packet (Addition & Subtraction word problems)
Please note that there will be a test/quiz (quest?) on addition & subtraction problems tomorrow. I just want to see who "has it" and who still needs some more help. We still have time to work on strategies after Thanksgiving break, so please don't worry about "studying" for this.
- Mr. B
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Menu Item (please choose something different!)
- Math: Finish Addition/Subtraction Packet "Time to Regroup" - DUE TOMORROW
Today's Science projects went very well! I can say with confidence that every group put lots of time, effort and creativity into their presentation. My hope is that it was a memorable experience that will serve to remind students about different terrestrial (land) environments and the living things that have adapted to survive there.
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Menu Item (please choose something different!)
- Math: Finish Addition/Subtraction Packet "Time to Regroup" - DUE TOMORROW
Today's Science projects went very well! I can say with confidence that every group put lots of time, effort and creativity into their presentation. My hope is that it was a memorable experience that will serve to remind students about different terrestrial (land) environments and the living things that have adapted to survive there.
- Mr. B
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Math: Addition/Subtraction Packet "Time to Regroup" due THURSDAY*
*students have two days to finish this packet
We will have an addition/subtraction test on Friday, November 19th.
We will be presenting our Science projects tomorrow in class.
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Math: Addition/Subtraction Packet "Time to Regroup" due THURSDAY*
*students have two days to finish this packet
We will have an addition/subtraction test on Friday, November 19th.
We will be presenting our Science projects tomorrow in class.
- Mr. B
Monday, November 15, 2010
Homework + Report Cards
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy words down in WS journal (I'll post sorts tonight - 6:00)
- Math: Subtraction jigsaw puzzle (lesson #9)
Report Cards went home this afternoon! Parents, please check your child's backpack to make sure you see this information. There is a feedback form (on the large, white envelope) for you to sign and return.
A few notes:
*Art and Music are now on a "semester" grading schedule (1st half of year/2nd half of year). An Art/Music report form was included in the "report card bundle" and I neglected to remove it from each student's envelope. Some teachers recycled these papers as they are unnecessary (expect a semester grade to be included in the next report card).
*PE reports are separate and any questions about grades should be referred to your child's PE teacher.
*The word study & reading stage "keys" are at the bottom left corner of the report card (I = Intermediate, not the #1).
*Some areas of the report card are intentionally left blank (e.g., "identifies, counts and makes change with money" in Math). This is because students haven't yet been taught that skill. Rest assured, we will get to each skill on the report card by the end of the year.
Please feel free to email me any questions/concerns!
Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy words down in WS journal (I'll post sorts tonight - 6:00)
- Math: Subtraction jigsaw puzzle (lesson #9)
Report Cards went home this afternoon! Parents, please check your child's backpack to make sure you see this information. There is a feedback form (on the large, white envelope) for you to sign and return.
A few notes:
*Art and Music are now on a "semester" grading schedule (1st half of year/2nd half of year). An Art/Music report form was included in the "report card bundle" and I neglected to remove it from each student's envelope. Some teachers recycled these papers as they are unnecessary (expect a semester grade to be included in the next report card).
*PE reports are separate and any questions about grades should be referred to your child's PE teacher.
*The word study & reading stage "keys" are at the bottom left corner of the report card (I = Intermediate, not the #1).
*Some areas of the report card are intentionally left blank (e.g., "identifies, counts and makes change with money" in Math). This is because students haven't yet been taught that skill. Rest assured, we will get to each skill on the report card by the end of the year.
Please feel free to email me any questions/concerns!
Mr. B
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Math: Finish "Lesson 5" Addition Worksheet (espagnol, cut & glue)
*Please feel free to do some research for your science projects at home. Below is my portaportal site, the bottom three links under the Science section should all be useful.
Good luck!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Math: Finish "Lesson 5" Addition Worksheet (espagnol, cut & glue)
*Please feel free to do some research for your science projects at home. Below is my portaportal site, the bottom three links under the Science section should all be useful.
Good luck!
- Mr. B
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item
- NO MATH HOMEWORK TONIGHT! We have been working hard using our addition strategies in class and I think the class deserves a break from the grind.
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item
- NO MATH HOMEWORK TONIGHT! We have been working hard using our addition strategies in class and I think the class deserves a break from the grind.
- Mr. B
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book.
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy at home.
- Math: Finish the addition packet we worked on in class ("By the Bushel").
Tomorrow we start to work on our Terrestrial Environment projects. If you can find any information on your environment (desert, grassland, rainforest, temperate forest) please feel free to bring it in as an additional source!
Current focus (for parents):
- Reading: Comprehension. Looking up book-specific vocabulary words and discussing/summarizing the plot in student-centered book groups. Our current read aloud book is The White Giraffe, by Lauren St. John.
- Writing: Final Drafts, moving into Non-Fiction writing (focus on animals).
- Word Study: Sorts will be posted tonight.
- Science: Terrestrial Environments (just finished Aquatic Environments).
- Math: Computation (addition and subtraction). Currently mastering addition strategies, moving into subtraction strategies later this week.
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book.
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy at home.
- Math: Finish the addition packet we worked on in class ("By the Bushel").
Tomorrow we start to work on our Terrestrial Environment projects. If you can find any information on your environment (desert, grassland, rainforest, temperate forest) please feel free to bring it in as an additional source!
Current focus (for parents):
- Reading: Comprehension. Looking up book-specific vocabulary words and discussing/summarizing the plot in student-centered book groups. Our current read aloud book is The White Giraffe, by Lauren St. John.
- Writing: Final Drafts, moving into Non-Fiction writing (focus on animals).
- Word Study: Sorts will be posted tonight.
- Science: Terrestrial Environments (just finished Aquatic Environments).
- Math: Computation (addition and subtraction). Currently mastering addition strategies, moving into subtraction strategies later this week.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Dear class,
Nice job in math this week! Don't forget your addition strategies over the weekend!
#1 Draw the blocks! (representational form)
#2 Break apart! (expanded form)
#3 Rack and stack! (and add)
Please find time to sit down with a good book over the weekend. Otherwise, no homework!
See you Monday,
Mr. B
Nice job in math this week! Don't forget your addition strategies over the weekend!
#1 Draw the blocks! (representational form)
#2 Break apart! (expanded form)
#3 Rack and stack! (and add)
Please find time to sit down with a good book over the weekend. Otherwise, no homework!
See you Monday,
Mr. B
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- NO WORD STUDY HOMEWORK! (short week)
- Math: Finish addition worksheet from class
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 min.
- NO WORD STUDY HOMEWORK! (short week)
- Math: Finish addition worksheet from class
- Mr. B
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Math: Finish the addition jigsaw puzzle you were working on in class
Choices are:
*Monarch of the Glen (deer painting)
*Ancient Cave Painting
Directions for Math Homework:
1) Cut out the tiles from the jigsaw sheet
2) Do the addition (+) problems on the backing board ***MOST IMPORTANT PART***
3) Match the numbers on the tiles to the answers on the backing board
4) Gluestick the tiles onto their matching spaces
5) Color the picture in an interesting way!
Have fun!
- Mr. B
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy 4-Day Weekend!!
Dear class (parents and students),
I just wanted to thank you for a great start to this school year. Please have lots of fun and be safe this weekend!
See you Wednesday,
- Mr. B
I just wanted to thank you for a great start to this school year. Please have lots of fun and be safe this weekend!
See you Wednesday,
- Mr. B
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Practice Quiz! (please copy the words down in your journal as you spell them)
- Science: Finish the Aquatic Environments page(s) in your Science binder.*
*The directions from class are to describe the environment using words and pictures, using the knowledge from this week's science lessons. Please write in complete sentences and use color for your illustrations!
Things to include: What does the environment look like? What makes it different from other aquatic environments? What are some examples of living things you might find in the environment?
Have fun!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Practice Quiz! (please copy the words down in your journal as you spell them)
- Science: Finish the Aquatic Environments page(s) in your Science binder.*
*The directions from class are to describe the environment using words and pictures, using the knowledge from this week's science lessons. Please write in complete sentences and use color for your illustrations!
Things to include: What does the environment look like? What makes it different from other aquatic environments? What are some examples of living things you might find in the environment?
Have fun!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Math: Finish Review Packet from yesterday (due tomorrow!)
Best of luck!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Math: Finish Review Packet from yesterday (due tomorrow!)
Best of luck!
- Mr. B
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hello again!
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a great book
- Word Study: Menu Item (choice)*
*Please try and choose two different items each week. I've noticed that many students are choosing to do the draw and label option over and over and over.
- Math: Review Packet **DUE THURSDAY**
This is a lengthy packet that covers most of the math concepts we've covered so far this quarter. Do your best; we'll go over it on Thursday! Please don't hesitate to ask me for help sometime tomorrow (lunch & ELT are good times to do so).
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a great book
- Word Study: Menu Item (choice)*
*Please try and choose two different items each week. I've noticed that many students are choosing to do the draw and label option over and over and over.
- Math: Review Packet **DUE THURSDAY**
This is a lengthy packet that covers most of the math concepts we've covered so far this quarter. Do your best; we'll go over it on Thursday! Please don't hesitate to ask me for help sometime tomorrow (lunch & ELT are good times to do so).
- Mr. B
Monday, October 25, 2010
Word Study Sorts
Here are the sorts for this week. If you need help remembering which one is yours, please just email me at: jbalnave@k12albemarle.org
- Mr. B
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy down in journal.
- Math: Finish Graphing Packet "Measuring Up"
I will post the Word Study sorts when I get home tonight (should be around 7:00 p.m.).
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy down in journal.
- Math: Finish Graphing Packet "Measuring Up"
I will post the Word Study sorts when I get home tonight (should be around 7:00 p.m.).
- Mr. B
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Practice Test (do a practice quiz @ home and write down your words in your journal)
- Math: Rounding Quiz tomorrow (short, maybe 10 questions...feel free to practice on your own, otherwise, just get plenty of sleep tonight so you're ready to go tomorrow!)
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Practice Test (do a practice quiz @ home and write down your words in your journal)
- Math: Rounding Quiz tomorrow (short, maybe 10 questions...feel free to practice on your own, otherwise, just get plenty of sleep tonight so you're ready to go tomorrow!)
- Mr. B
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item (choice)
- Finish Rounding Practice (Round and Round and Round)
Tonight's math homework builds off of what we did in class today. In class, students partnered up and selected something from the classroom that they could count (it had to be a biiig number). It might have been the number of ceiling tiles in the room (166), the number of books on a bookshelf (293), the number of pencils in our room (317) or the number of individual letters found on our class roster (420).
First, students ESTIMATED their number. They rounded this estimate to the nearest 1,000, 100, and 10. Next, they got to count up and find the EXACT number. They rounded this exact number to the nearest 1,000, 100, and 10. It was interesting to see reactions related to how close their estimates were to the actual number!
Here's an example problem from tonight's Math homework:
The exact # Round to 1,000s Round to 100s Round to 10s
4,298 4,000 4,300 4,300
I'd love to see some of the strategies we've been working on in class show up at home. Things like underlining the digit you're rounding to, writing down the "friendly numbers" that are on either side, etc.
Please note that we will have a short Rounding Quiz on Friday, October 22nd.
Thanks for reading & good luck tonight!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Menu Item (choice)
- Finish Rounding Practice (Round and Round and Round)
Tonight's math homework builds off of what we did in class today. In class, students partnered up and selected something from the classroom that they could count (it had to be a biiig number). It might have been the number of ceiling tiles in the room (166), the number of books on a bookshelf (293), the number of pencils in our room (317) or the number of individual letters found on our class roster (420).
First, students ESTIMATED their number. They rounded this estimate to the nearest 1,000, 100, and 10. Next, they got to count up and find the EXACT number. They rounded this exact number to the nearest 1,000, 100, and 10. It was interesting to see reactions related to how close their estimates were to the actual number!
Here's an example problem from tonight's Math homework:
The exact # Round to 1,000s Round to 100s Round to 10s
4,298 4,000 4,300 4,300
I'd love to see some of the strategies we've been working on in class show up at home. Things like underlining the digit you're rounding to, writing down the "friendly numbers" that are on either side, etc.
Please note that we will have a short Rounding Quiz on Friday, October 22nd.
Thanks for reading & good luck tonight!
- Mr. B
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Menu Item (your choice)
- Math: Rounding Practice worksheet (rounding to the nearest 10 and 100)
Example Problems (answers in red):
Round to the nearest 10
40 47 50 It is closer to 50
Round to the nearest 100
0 78 100 It is closer to 100
Have fun!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Menu Item (your choice)
- Math: Rounding Practice worksheet (rounding to the nearest 10 and 100)
Example Problems (answers in red):
Round to the nearest 10
40 47 50 It is closer to 50
Round to the nearest 100
0 78 100 It is closer to 100
Have fun!
- Mr. B
Monday, October 18, 2010
Homework + Conferences
Tonight's homework is:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy down in your WS journal.
- Math: "Close Enough!" worksheet (estimation).
Also, apologies for the tardy Monday folders this week! They will go home tomorrow containing the usual forms (Brownsville Buzzings newsletter, PTO forms, etc.). They will also have information regarding the upcoming parent-teacher conferences that are to be scheduled.
The days I have set aside are (this) Friday, October 22nd, (next) Monday, October 25th & Tuesday, October 26th. If these days are not convenient for you, please don't worry! Just let me know and we can find a date/time that work better with your schedule. Time slots are available from 2:40 - 6:00 p.m. (agian, I am flexible here). Please return the bottom portion of the conference letter into school to reserve a time slot (you can also let me know via email). Thanks for your attention when it comes to this form.
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework is:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Cut, Sort & Copy down in your WS journal.
- Math: "Close Enough!" worksheet (estimation).
Also, apologies for the tardy Monday folders this week! They will go home tomorrow containing the usual forms (Brownsville Buzzings newsletter, PTO forms, etc.). They will also have information regarding the upcoming parent-teacher conferences that are to be scheduled.
The days I have set aside are (this) Friday, October 22nd, (next) Monday, October 25th & Tuesday, October 26th. If these days are not convenient for you, please don't worry! Just let me know and we can find a date/time that work better with your schedule. Time slots are available from 2:40 - 6:00 p.m. (agian, I am flexible here). Please return the bottom portion of the conference letter into school to reserve a time slot (you can also let me know via email). Thanks for your attention when it comes to this form.
- Mr. B
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Practice Quiz! We will have a spelling quiz on your homophones tomorrow.
- Science: Study for your Animal Adaptations & Food Chains Test (bring home Science Binders)
No Math homework!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Practice Quiz! We will have a spelling quiz on your homophones tomorrow.
- Science: Study for your Animal Adaptations & Food Chains Test (bring home Science Binders)
No Math homework!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item with homophones
- Math: Where's Wilber? worksheet (front/back)
We will have our Animal Adaptations & Food Chains Test on Friday! Please review the vocabulary words prior to the test.
In Math we are working on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1,000.
Students, don't forget to share your owl pellet experience with your parents!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study: Menu Item with homophones
- Math: Where's Wilber? worksheet (front/back)
We will have our Animal Adaptations & Food Chains Test on Friday! Please review the vocabulary words prior to the test.
In Math we are working on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1,000.
Students, don't forget to share your owl pellet experience with your parents!
- Mr. B
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Columbus Day weekend.
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study (like a Monday): Cut, Sort & Copy down in your journal.
*This week we are studying homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently), students just match the homophones together for their sort. It would be helpful to go over the meanings of each spelling to check for understanding.
- Science: Look over the Life Systems Science Test Study Guide & complete the review sheet (front/back). The test will take place on Friday, October 15th.
Good luck!
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study (like a Monday): Cut, Sort & Copy down in your journal.
*This week we are studying homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently), students just match the homophones together for their sort. It would be helpful to go over the meanings of each spelling to check for understanding.
- Science: Look over the Life Systems Science Test Study Guide & complete the review sheet (front/back). The test will take place on Friday, October 15th.
Good luck!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Science: Make 2 Food Chains
*Blue paper should have an Aquatic (Water) Food Chain
*Green paper should have a Terrestrial (Land) Food Chain
- NO MATH HOMEWORK: There will be a quiz on Friday on place value (up to hundred thousands) and comparing numbers (>, <, =).
With the Food Chain homework:
Be creative! Use color! We've discussed and created lots and lots of food chains in class. It's time to make one on your own. Remember that the sun is the source of all food chains on earth, followed by a producer, and so on.
For a model (notice the arrows showing the direction of the energy) and more food chain practice, you can go here: Food Chain Game
Have a great night!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 min.
- Word Study: Menu Item
- Science: Make 2 Food Chains
*Blue paper should have an Aquatic (Water) Food Chain
*Green paper should have a Terrestrial (Land) Food Chain
- NO MATH HOMEWORK: There will be a quiz on Friday on place value (up to hundred thousands) and comparing numbers (>, <, =).
With the Food Chain homework:
Be creative! Use color! We've discussed and created lots and lots of food chains in class. It's time to make one on your own. Remember that the sun is the source of all food chains on earth, followed by a producer, and so on.
For a model (notice the arrows showing the direction of the energy) and more food chain practice, you can go here: Food Chain Game
Have a great night!
- Mr. B
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Scan of HW
Here's a copy of our homework (I realize it's probably too late, I'll get better at this).
In class, we spent time really working on conceptualizing rounding (building number line mountains). Tonight's homework may have taken a while if you did that for every problem. Tomorrow in class we'll talk about a faster strategy for rounding (mentioned in the "brain box").
In class, we spent time really working on conceptualizing rounding (building number line mountains). Tonight's homework may have taken a while if you did that for every problem. Tomorrow in class we'll talk about a faster strategy for rounding (mentioned in the "brain box").
It's always interesting to see which 3rd graders take the time to read the directions fully. This particular worksheet asks students to circle/box their answers depending on whether they rounded up/down.
- Mr. B
Tonight's Homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Choose a menu item to do using your words
- Math: Complete the rounding numbers worksheet (I'll upload an image of it when I get home)
Please note, there will be a Math Quiz this Friday (10/8) on:
- place value (identifying up to the hundred thousands, building the biggest/smallest #)
- standard/written/expanded form for numbers (e.g., "237"/"two hundred thirty-seven"/"200 + 30 + 7")
- comparing numbers (greater than/less than/equal to)
Today 1st quarter interims went home in backpacks. Parents, please take a look and return the form with your signature so that I know you've seen it. If you have any questions or concerns, I am at your convenience. You can reach me via e-mail, phone or backpack note.
Have a great day!
- Mr. B
Tonight's Homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: Choose a menu item to do using your words
- Math: Complete the rounding numbers worksheet (I'll upload an image of it when I get home)
Please note, there will be a Math Quiz this Friday (10/8) on:
- place value (identifying up to the hundred thousands, building the biggest/smallest #)
- standard/written/expanded form for numbers (e.g., "237"/"two hundred thirty-seven"/"200 + 30 + 7")
- comparing numbers (greater than/less than/equal to)
Today 1st quarter interims went home in backpacks. Parents, please take a look and return the form with your signature so that I know you've seen it. If you have any questions or concerns, I am at your convenience. You can reach me via e-mail, phone or backpack note.
Have a great day!
- Mr. B
Monday, October 4, 2010
Homework + Leaf T-Shirts
Hello again!
Today we decorated and (almost) bleached our Fall Leaf T-Shirts. Many thanks to the parents who showed up to help make things work! Unfortunately for everyone, I messed up and brought in "chlorine-free" bleach which does not do the trick! Lesson learned, and with our newfound experience we'll finish up the T-Shirt project later this week. There were some very cool designs and I'm excited to see what the finished product will look like!
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: cut out your words, sort them at home & copy your sort down in your WS journal
- Math: complete the "greater than/less than" exit slip (3.3a & 3.3b)
Thanks for reading!
- Mr. B
Today we decorated and (almost) bleached our Fall Leaf T-Shirts. Many thanks to the parents who showed up to help make things work! Unfortunately for everyone, I messed up and brought in "chlorine-free" bleach which does not do the trick! Lesson learned, and with our newfound experience we'll finish up the T-Shirt project later this week. There were some very cool designs and I'm excited to see what the finished product will look like!
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- Word Study: cut out your words, sort them at home & copy your sort down in your WS journal
- Math: complete the "greater than/less than" exit slip (3.3a & 3.3b)
Thanks for reading!
- Mr. B
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study Practice Quiz
* This is where you find someone to quiz you on your spelling words for the week. Please record your answers in your word study journal. There will be a spelling quiz on your words tomorrow!
- Finish the Math worksheet (Counting by 100s/Corral These Numbers)
Stay dry!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study Practice Quiz
* This is where you find someone to quiz you on your spelling words for the week. Please record your answers in your word study journal. There will be a spelling quiz on your words tomorrow!
- Finish the Math worksheet (Counting by 100s/Corral These Numbers)
Stay dry!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study Menu Item (your choice)
PLEASE remember to bring your Word Study journal back to school, as we will be using it in class each day. Soon it will be automatic, but right now it's new and may require more reminders.
Also, GREAT JOB today during our second attempt at the Marshmallow Challenge! The class improved in all areas: teamwork (lots of kind words), planning (great drafts!), and the actual building techniques (new record height of 18.5"). We had more structures standing at the end than our first attempt and the average height was much taller. Way to go class!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Word Study Menu Item (your choice)
PLEASE remember to bring your Word Study journal back to school, as we will be using it in class each day. Soon it will be automatic, but right now it's new and may require more reminders.
Also, GREAT JOB today during our second attempt at the Marshmallow Challenge! The class improved in all areas: teamwork (lots of kind words), planning (great drafts!), and the actual building techniques (new record height of 18.5"). We had more structures standing at the end than our first attempt and the average height was much taller. Way to go class!
- Mr. B
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Choose a menu item for Word Study & write it down in your journal
Choices (can be found glued inside the front cover):
* Draw & Label: Draw pictures for 8-10 words. Label each picture.
* Riddles: Make up riddles for 5 words. Each riddle should have 3 clues.
* Same/Opposite: Choose 8-10 words and write a synonym/antonym for each.
* Word Hunt: Find 8-10 new words that would fit your sort this week.
* Dictionary Work: Look up 8-10 words. Write a clear definition for each.
* Writing Fun: Make up a story/poem/song using as many of your words as you can.
- Finish Math Worksheet(s)
* Finish classwork
* Complete "Race to the Top"
This is a significant step up in the amount of homework we have. Please plan accordingly!
Have fun!
- Mr. B
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Choose a menu item for Word Study & write it down in your journal
Choices (can be found glued inside the front cover):
* Draw & Label: Draw pictures for 8-10 words. Label each picture.
* Riddles: Make up riddles for 5 words. Each riddle should have 3 clues.
* Same/Opposite: Choose 8-10 words and write a synonym/antonym for each.
* Word Hunt: Find 8-10 new words that would fit your sort this week.
* Dictionary Work: Look up 8-10 words. Write a clear definition for each.
* Writing Fun: Make up a story/poem/song using as many of your words as you can.
- Finish Math Worksheet(s)
* Finish classwork
* Complete "Race to the Top"
This is a significant step up in the amount of homework we have. Please plan accordingly!
Have fun!
- Mr. B
Monday, September 27, 2010
Homework (Word Study)
This week we are starting a new homework routine: Word Study!
In addition to the "normal" read 20-30 minutes, students are asked to sort their words at home (saying each word aloud) and copy down the sort in their word study journals. The word study homework schedule has been glued to the inside cover of the journal.
A typical week might look like this:
- Monday: Sort words at home and copy them down in journal
- Tuesday: Choice from the homework menu (e.g., Dictionary Look-up)
- Wednesday: Choice from the homework menu (e.g., Riddles)
- Thursday: Practice spelling test @ home
- Friday: QUIZ @ school (no homework at night)
Good luck & have fun!
- Mr. B
This week we are starting a new homework routine: Word Study!
In addition to the "normal" read 20-30 minutes, students are asked to sort their words at home (saying each word aloud) and copy down the sort in their word study journals. The word study homework schedule has been glued to the inside cover of the journal.
A typical week might look like this:
- Monday: Sort words at home and copy them down in journal
- Tuesday: Choice from the homework menu (e.g., Dictionary Look-up)
- Wednesday: Choice from the homework menu (e.g., Riddles)
- Thursday: Practice spelling test @ home
- Friday: QUIZ @ school (no homework at night)
Good luck & have fun!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Marshmallow Challenge!
Today we tried out an engineering project during our Extended Learning Time (ELT).
The Marshmallow Challenge goes like this:
- teams of 3 students
- each team receives 20 spaghetti strings (uncooked), one yard of string, one yard of masking tape and a single marshmallow
- teams have 18 minutes to create the tallest free-standing structure
- the height of the structure will be measured from the base to the top of the marshmallow
Our class did a GREAT job of coming up with unique designs and working together to try and accomplish them. We were a little rushed, and only a few structures stood the test of time (18:00), however, for a first try I was very impressed. Students were under "pressure" to work together and solve a complicated problem - it's called the Marshmallow Challenge for a reason! Stay tuned for news on our second attempt...
(special thanks to Mrs. Livermon for the idea & all of her help!)
Tonight's homework is to:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Finish the "Count Them Up!" worksheet (front and back)
The front has riddles that test your number sense.
The back has math tricks you can use to wow your friends!
Thanks for reading.
- Mr. B
The Marshmallow Challenge goes like this:
- teams of 3 students
- each team receives 20 spaghetti strings (uncooked), one yard of string, one yard of masking tape and a single marshmallow
- teams have 18 minutes to create the tallest free-standing structure
- the height of the structure will be measured from the base to the top of the marshmallow
Our class did a GREAT job of coming up with unique designs and working together to try and accomplish them. We were a little rushed, and only a few structures stood the test of time (18:00), however, for a first try I was very impressed. Students were under "pressure" to work together and solve a complicated problem - it's called the Marshmallow Challenge for a reason! Stay tuned for news on our second attempt...
(special thanks to Mrs. Livermon for the idea & all of her help!)
Tonight's homework is to:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Finish the "Count Them Up!" worksheet (front and back)
The front has riddles that test your number sense.
The back has math tricks you can use to wow your friends!
Thanks for reading.
- Mr. B
Monday, September 20, 2010
Math Exit Slip
Hello again!
Tonight's homework is to Read 20-30 min. & complete the Math Exit Slip related to place value.
One note that I tried to reinforce at the end of the day:
"Representational form" means draw blocks to show the number indicated.
For example:
1,259 in Representational form would be seen as:
1 giant cube (worth 1,000)
2 flat waffles (worth 100 each)
5 rods (worth 10 each)
9 small cubes (worth 1 each)
Hope that helps!
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework is to Read 20-30 min. & complete the Math Exit Slip related to place value.
One note that I tried to reinforce at the end of the day:
"Representational form" means draw blocks to show the number indicated.
For example:
1,259 in Representational form would be seen as:
1 giant cube (worth 1,000)
2 flat waffles (worth 100 each)
5 rods (worth 10 each)
9 small cubes (worth 1 each)
Hope that helps!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Today we watched a short video from a favorite cartoon of mine (see below):
As a class, we tried to make a list of as many countries as we could. After 3 viewings, we had lots of different countries to share and our "master list" on the board was quite impressive!
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Finish "Global Fun" worksheet (if needed...most/all finished in class)
- Read page 1 of Geography Study Guide* (page 2 will be used as a practice quiz tomorrow night...feel free to complete early if you wish)
*Please note that it may be helpful for an adult to review the vocabulary with the student.
- Maps & Globes Quiz will be on Friday!
Today we watched a short video from a favorite cartoon of mine (see below):
As a class, we tried to make a list of as many countries as we could. After 3 viewings, we had lots of different countries to share and our "master list" on the board was quite impressive!
Tonight's homework:
- Read 20-30 minutes
- Finish "Global Fun" worksheet (if needed...most/all finished in class)
- Read page 1 of Geography Study Guide* (page 2 will be used as a practice quiz tomorrow night...feel free to complete early if you wish)
*Please note that it may be helpful for an adult to review the vocabulary with the student.
- Maps & Globes Quiz will be on Friday!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Back to School Night!
Greetings Parents!
Welcome to Room 303. This is where your child spends most of their time when at school each day. Please feel free to get up & look around the room. There is a letter addressed to you at your student's desk. If you feel up to the task, take a minute and respond to it (on the front or back)!
We will start once everyone has had a chance to arrive and find the room.
Thank you very much for coming!
Mr. Balnave
P.S. - Tonight's homework is on the board:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- "Wavy Water World" worksheet (Social Studies Maps/Globes/Grids) front & back
- (optional) Bring in a map (sticker reward)
Welcome to Room 303. This is where your child spends most of their time when at school each day. Please feel free to get up & look around the room. There is a letter addressed to you at your student's desk. If you feel up to the task, take a minute and respond to it (on the front or back)!
We will start once everyone has had a chance to arrive and find the room.
Thank you very much for coming!
Mr. Balnave
P.S. - Tonight's homework is on the board:
- Read 20-30 minutes with a good book
- "Wavy Water World" worksheet (Social Studies Maps/Globes/Grids) front & back
- (optional) Bring in a map (sticker reward)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tonight's homework is to:
- Read 20-30 min. with a good book.
- Complete the contractions worksheet. Students are given a common contraction (e.g., "they've") and are asked to write down the two words that combine to make it (e.g., "they" and "have").
Coming soon - a Words of the Week segment that highlights vocabulary words we have discussed so far this year.
- Mr. B
Tonight's homework is to:
- Read 20-30 min. with a good book.
- Complete the contractions worksheet. Students are given a common contraction (e.g., "they've") and are asked to write down the two words that combine to make it (e.g., "they" and "have").
Coming soon - a Words of the Week segment that highlights vocabulary words we have discussed so far this year.
- Mr. B
Friday, September 10, 2010
Weekend Homework
Hello class!
I think weekends are best used to recharge and get away from school. With this in mind, I will do my best to keep weekend homework assignments "light".
This weekend's homework is to: (drum roll)
- Read 20-30 minutes each night from a good book.
- Play outside, spend time with your family, enjoy life.
Have a great weekend!
- Mr. B
I think weekends are best used to recharge and get away from school. With this in mind, I will do my best to keep weekend homework assignments "light".
This weekend's homework is to: (drum roll)
- Read 20-30 minutes each night from a good book.
- Play outside, spend time with your family, enjoy life.
Have a great weekend!
- Mr. B
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tonight's homework deals with the grammar usage of apostrophes. As a class, we watched a short BrainPOP video on "contractions" (smush words together and replace something with an apostrophe). This worksheet is an attempt to reinforce that concept - students are to match the contractions in the word bank to the appropriate blank.
Most challenging part? Probably coming up with 3 contractions on their own. Second most challenging part? Probably reading words that are written in cursive!
Please also remember to spend 20-30 minutes each night reading a good book.
I've invited students to bring in a map (of any kind) for a "sticker reward". We have just begun a new unit on maps & globes!
Best of luck!
- Mr. B
Most challenging part? Probably coming up with 3 contractions on their own. Second most challenging part? Probably reading words that are written in cursive!
Please also remember to spend 20-30 minutes each night reading a good book.
I've invited students to bring in a map (of any kind) for a "sticker reward". We have just begun a new unit on maps & globes!
Best of luck!
- Mr. B
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Homework (still trying...)
Okay, the preferred method seems to be via GoogleDocs.
Here's the latest link to our beloved Forks, Spoons & Knives homework (assigned 9/01, due 9/03).
**You should not need a log-in to view this**
Here's the latest link to our beloved Forks, Spoons & Knives homework (assigned 9/01, due 9/03).
**You should not need a log-in to view this**
Homework (cont.)
Here's a first attempt at posting an example of tonight's homework...
The sizes are funny and the current method is to create a .doc file, save it as a .pdf, save that as a .jpeg and then "Insert image" to get it to show up here (thanks to Ms. Perry for the help!). Hopefully an easier way will present itself soon!
Anyways, if you're in need of help with Forks, Spoons & Knives, here it is!
The sizes are funny and the current method is to create a .doc file, save it as a .pdf, save that as a .jpeg and then "Insert image" to get it to show up here (thanks to Ms. Perry for the help!). Hopefully an easier way will present itself soon!
Anyways, if you're in need of help with Forks, Spoons & Knives, here it is!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My goal is to get into a routine of posting the night's homework for students and parents to view. This can act as a "backup plan" to the current agenda book system we have here at Brownsville. If you have any questions or comments about the homework posted, please reply with your own comment and I will try to respond.
Here goes:
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
Reading: 20-30 minutes
Math: Forks, Spoons & Knives Graphing Assignment (Due Friday)
Thanks for viewing!
- Mr. B
Here goes:
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
Reading: 20-30 minutes
Math: Forks, Spoons & Knives Graphing Assignment (Due Friday)
Thanks for viewing!
- Mr. B
Science Experiments
This year, the third grade teachers wanted to start the year exploring the scientific method. Each teacher is introducing vocabulary, conducting demonstrations and experiments, modeling the scientific thinking process and asking the students to record their work (questions, hypotheses, procedures, observations and conclusions). So far the students have been up to the task!
We currently have three experiments going in Room 303.
1) The Mold Experiment - Which food (cheese, strawberry, bread or grape) will mold the fastest in dark, moist conditions?
2) The Eggsperiment - (Part I) What will happen to raw eggs if they are left in cups of vinegar?
(Part II) What will happen to the same eggs if they are moved into cups of water and corn syrup?
3) The Lava Experiment - Borrowed from www.sciencebob.com, see the link in the caption above!
That's all for now! Thanks for visiting.
- Mr. B
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Lava Experiment - See this link for details. |
1) The Mold Experiment - Which food (cheese, strawberry, bread or grape) will mold the fastest in dark, moist conditions?
2) The Eggsperiment - (Part I) What will happen to raw eggs if they are left in cups of vinegar?
(Part II) What will happen to the same eggs if they are moved into cups of water and corn syrup?
3) The Lava Experiment - Borrowed from www.sciencebob.com, see the link in the caption above!
That's all for now! Thanks for visiting.
- Mr. B
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hello class!
Welcome to our blog for the 2010-2011 school year.
My name is Mr. Balnave and I am charged with teaching the students located in room 303 at Brownsville Elementary School. My hope is that this blog will be a useful tool for students, parents and friends of our class.
Thanks for visiting. We'll be in touch!
Mr. B
Welcome to our blog for the 2010-2011 school year.
My name is Mr. Balnave and I am charged with teaching the students located in room 303 at Brownsville Elementary School. My hope is that this blog will be a useful tool for students, parents and friends of our class.
Thanks for visiting. We'll be in touch!
Mr. B
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